Our 3 year old grandson had a goal. He was determined to climb the mountain he could see from our backyard. Every time the family came back to Hawaii to visit us, he would be in my study at 4:00 in the morning drawing his latest imagination of the mountain. How old is it? How high is it? What’s at the top? Will you take me, Grampa? It was easy to make excuses when he was 5 and 6, it got harder when he turned 10. But he was determined. Fortunately, his wonderful mother let me off the hook and promised the whole family would make the hike to the top of the mountain on the next trip back to the islands. And she kept her promise – all four of them made it to the top of KOKO HEAD in record time. Our grandson accomplished his goal. Along the way, he inspired his grandfather to do likewise. As soon as I get clearance from my doctor who performed my hip surgery, I will climb the 1048 steps and conquer the mountain too. N.B. My lovely wife thinks the mountain is my “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”
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