News reports about the appearance of the Christmas Star during the week of December 21 encouraged people to search the skies to witness this for themselves.

Friends reminded me of some passages in my book A GIFT MORE PRECIOUS THAN GOLD published in 2002…

“ On the tenth day after the Ides of March in the twenty sixth year of the reign of Augustus, I saw a coming together of the three planets Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. Our historical records tell of just such an occurrence and predict that it only happens every eight hundred years or so.
I remembered Hupjai mentioning such a conjunction recorded in our astronomical charts.

Our colleagues responded that they too had seen this unusual occurrence and wondered whether this was the harbinger of something momentous….

Quickly I gathered Gasbar and Balthazar…we must follow the bright star west to the land of Solomon and David to bear witness to the coming of this royal babe whose birth was foretold by the prophets of old…”

In the manuscript Melchior describes the well known story which has brought hope and inspiration to countless generations.

Let’s begin 2021 with that spirit of rebirth, renewal and healing.
Merry Christmas, everyone!