Do you know your treatment options for COVID-19?
Many people are going in droves to receive the COVID-19 vaccines. However, it is certainly understandable that there is a large number of people who want to be fully aware of all available options. Remember, it is imperative that you consult your physician about treatment options before deciding.
Oral Antiviral Treatments
A popular out-of-hospital treatment option consists of two oral antiviral treatments.
The first treatment is Pfizer’s Paxlovid, and the second is Merck’s molnupiravir. These antivirals are intended specifically for COVID-19 treatment for certain patients.
Antibody Treatments
Another option for treatment would be Monoclonal Antibody Treatments. These COVID-19 monoclonal antibody therapeutics are available for people ages 12 years or older. The requirements for this treatment are that the recipient must have tested positive for COVID-19 and have had symptoms for 10 days or less. The recipient must also be at a high risk of becoming seriously ill, including those who have recently been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. This antibody treatment binds to the virus and prevents it from causing harm to the lungs. These antibodies are about 85% to 90% effective in preventing hospitalization and death.
Hospital Treatments
Many people are unaware that the FDA has recently approved a drug called Remdesivir as a treatment for the Coronavirus. This treatment is intended for patients with severe cases of COVID-19, who have been approved or authorized to receive this emergency treatment.
Remdesivir is an antiviral drug that may be used for the treatment of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients who are at least 12 years of age. This antiviral drug works by stopping SARS-CoV-2 from spreading in the body.
An additional FDA treatment for emergency use includes convalescent plasma along with other treatment combinations.
These treatment combinations are currently being explored by healthcare professionals and scientists to ensure that these new methods slow or reduce the virus’ growth and spread in the body. The treatments are being designed to enhance breathing and to provide disease-fighting antibodies.
Clinical Trials
Lastly, tHere are clinical trials available in need of participants. There is a need for willing participants in COVID-19 clinical trials which explore the effectiveness of other drugs and treatments. These trials consist of both inpatient and outpatient studies. There is still a large need for participants in trials due to the reality that not everyone responds to current medications the way they are expected to. If you are considering your options, you may decide to look into such studies.
Treatment Option Recap
As many locations roll out the COVID-19 vaccine, there are still plenty of options for other people to explore. These options are a combination of FDA-approved treatments, as well as case studies. No matter what you decide, remember to consult a healthcare professional for optimal safety and effectiveness.