With the New Year rapidly unfolding, we are learning more than ever before. One of the most prominent areas in which we are making progress is within the realm of parenthood. Left and right, there are countless resources to support the journey of parenting. There has been lots of buzz surrounding new parenting resolutions for 2022, so let’s take a look!

 Among the top three are:

  1.  Prioritizing Experiences
  2. Maximizing “Staycations”
  3. Discussing Trauma

Prioritizing Experiences

We often prioritize giving gifts to our children due to efficiency, but it is proven that experiences create core memories for our children. Over a lifetime, bonding moments have more of an impact than material gifts.

According to recent research, partaking in experiences results in greater happiness than the short-lived joys of receiving a gift.

Oftentimes when we give gifts, children quickly forget. Experiences don’t take up space in our homes, but rather in our minds–and they last forever! (Bonus: More experiences and less hoarding make for less clutter and less cleanup)

Even more, prioritizing experiences result in more mindfulness, which is the goal of many people. Studies have shown that the more a person is able to stay in the present moment, the happier they will be.

Taking full advantage of prioritizing experience presents the perfect opportunity to maximize long-term happiness for parents and their children.

Maximizing Staycations


Closely related to prioritizing experiences comes maximizing staycations through available resources. With the current inflation rising to the highest in decades and a strain on some budgets– parents worry about the well-being of their children. However, bonding does not need to be expensive. Take full advantage of free attractions in your city and the surrounding areas. 

While on your routine grocery shopping, consider stocking up on vacation food like summer fruits and vegetables along with some desserts.

 If you are stumped for ideas, consider letting your children plan out the day! That way, the entire day is full of activities that make them happy, and they will be thrilled to share their favorite activities with you. Who knows, you may learn a thing or two!

 Finally, take this time to rest. Ironically, when we vacation, sometimes we return from vacation exhausted. We have spent the entire vacation worried about work, anxious to get back to the office. But take a weekend to do what you want, the work will still be there on Monday.

 Make an effort not to do any chores or work on projects. Let your hair down, have fun, read, and enjoy a mid-day nap. Do things you would not do during the week. For example, have ice cream for dinner (the kids will be in for a treat!)

 Most of all, indulge in the present moment we so often take for granted.

Discussing Trauma

With the promising results of therapy, it is proven that we should address the trauma our children may have experienced. The present connotations of trauma do not necessarily relate directly to disaster, but rather the emotional distress caused by isolation and major life changes due to the pandemic. Furthermore, parents can unintentionally inflict their own stress upon their children.

When we openly discuss trauma in our homes, it reinforces a sense of community and support with our children. Since trauma can disrupt our sense of safety, openly discussing trauma lets them know that they are safe from any danger. This also gives them the reassurance that they can seek us for comfort and ask questions at any time.

Though we may not know the answers to every question, we can highlight resolutions and future safety measures in order to protect them.

It is also important to note that many children are experiencing trauma due to displacement caused by the pandemic. There is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding surrounding the current climate of things. This causes our children to become more reserved and try to deal with feelings they don’t understand, all by themselves. That’s why it is important for us to address the topic, because they may be too apprehensive or embarrassed to do so.

Social and emotional health are unknowingly neglected in our busy lives, but in fact, they are the most essential foundations of childhood.