SUE ‘UM – MARCH 2022

Whether they win or lose, lawyers aren’t much affected by the outcome of a case. When it’s over they go home, sleep in the same bed, and wake up to just another day.
Clients, on the other hand, either enjoy the fruit of victory or the shambles they’re left with when the dust settles. Clients may be in prison or executed by lethal injection. Clients may be impoverished by legal fees, court costs, and the devastation of an adverse judgment that leaves them and their families homeless or penniless or both.
We all operate out of self interest; you, me, absolutely everyone. Even Mother Theresa, who was motivated by the pleasure of helping others.
Everyone operates out of self interest, whether we seek pleasure, money, fame, or something else.
Lawyers are no exception.
Lawyer self interest affects YOU! It may be your lawyer, if you have one, or your opponents’ lawyers.
This class shows you what motivates lawyers and what you need to know to avoid unpleasant consequences!
You will learn how lawyers think, how they see the world, how they deal with clients, how they chum with judges, and what you must do to keep them from losing your shirt when they send you to the cleaners!