BAILEY BY MY SIDE! I fell in love with my wife because she complained about being homesick the first day we met in German class at the University ofHawaii. She missed her basset hound “Hiram” and decided she needed to go back home to Minnesota. As a dog lover myself, I thought it was my duty to help… and after 50 years I ‘m still helping care for “The Dog.” We mark our lives by the four paws we have shared together. First was Hannibal, another Basset who was big enough for the boys to ride before they could walk. We changed to Dalmatians – Marshmallow and Captain so the kids could have authentic mascots as junior firemen. When we moved to a bigger house on the lake and the guys started school, Chipper, (Springer Spaniel ) Nikki (Irish Setter) and Gambler and Lady (Cocker Spaniels) shared our lives. Moving back to the islands we became Golden Retriever fans and bred and raised in succession Koa, Buster, Thunder, Bogie and our latest family member, Bailey pictured below. Our boys continue their own tradition with Mister, Lady and Prince Nigel…. For every memorable occasion in our lives, our special companion was there to add joy, fun, love, friendship. For dog lovers, words are not necessary to explain – Happy National Dog Day! #love #family #friends #dog