Thanks, Mom!

Who is the go to person you could always count on? Someone you did not hesitate to ask for help – no matter the need, time, place or reason. For me, as I am sure it was for many of you, it was my mother. Here are just a few pearls of wisdom she taught me –...

Minnesota Tough

Are you old enough to remember the “Purple People Eaters?” Then you know I’m talking about Football as it used to be played in the Vikings stadium on 494- outdoors in rain, sleet or snow with temperatures sometimes in -30 degrees windchill. I’m reminiscing about stoic...

Remember the Bird Flu?

Back in 2005 and 2006 – People were in panic mode about the new avian influenza. Here are the top ten questions asked at our educational forums: 1. What is the “Bird Flu?” 2. Do domestic birds spread the contagious disease? 3. How many human cases have occurred?...

Climb Every Mountain

Our 3 year old grandson had a goal. He was determined to climb the mountain he could see from our backyard. Every time the family came back to Hawaii to visit us, he would be in my study at 4:00 in the morning drawing his latest imagination of the mountain. How old is...

Martin Luther King in Hawaii

On August 28, 1963 Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his historical “I have a dream” speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. Six months later he addressed a packed crowd of over 10,000 students and faculty in the outdoor Andrews amphitheater at...