Be Not Afraid – Jan 2022

BE NOT AFRAID INSPIRATION – JANUARY 17, 2022 Imagine  … my One Word for 2022. What is your One Word that can focus your attention to the task at hand or to the goal ahead or the dream that fills your imagination? Choose your One Word and use it to fuel...

Pet Proofing Your Home

A SAFE HOME FOR YOUR FUR BABY PETS – JANUARY 17, 2022 When you become a parent and your child starts to get older, new parents know that you have to start “baby-proofing” your house. New parents will go around the home, happily securing cabinet doors, putting up...

Money Dreams and Goals

dreams and goals money concepts – JANUARY 17, 2022 A survey of Financial Planners reveals that Dreams and Goals depend on which generation you belong to. The top 3 goals of the generations are as follows. Grandparent Generation Remain Financially Independent...

Immune System 01-2022

STRENGTHEN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM HEALTH – JANUARY 17, 2022 Do you know your treatment options for COVID-19?  Many people are going in droves to receive the COVID-19 vaccines. However, it is certainly understandable that there is a large number of people who want to...

World Leprosy Day

ST. FATHER DAMIEN, “LEPER PRIEST” IN HONOR OF WORLD LEPROSY DAY RELIGION – JANUARY 30, 2022 2Did you know that EVERY TWO MINUTES,someone in the world is infected with LEPROSY? Did you know that over 4,000,000 people in the world have this disease?...